An honest Czech leatherette is still with us
In Chropyně, SVITAP produces traditional Czech leatherette with a long tradition. The production of leatherette started in 1951 in the Technoplast national plant and this production still continues. In 2008, the ownership of the leatherette production changed from Fatra, a.s. to SVITAP J.H.J. spol. s r.o.
SVITAP currently produces more than 140 different types of leatherette in various thicknesses, weight, special properties, colour finishes and interesting patterns. The leatherette is specially developed to satisfy the needs of individual industries. Leatherette is therefore produced for upholstery, haberdashery, cars and other transport vehicles, clothing, footwear, leatherette for mining industry, aerial advertising, sports mats and other specialised purposes (healthcare, theatres ...). We at SVITAP, are even able to develop leatherette with specific properties for a confirmed customer - so called customised.
Our company has a certified system of quality management and a system of environmental management, which comply with the Czech version of the European Standards EN ISO 9001:2015 and EN ISO 14001:2015.